I will share the Acoustic measurement details ASAP. It is just to show that an World-class and even better than A LOT OF COMMERCIAL STUDIO's...
I have not tested Slate's Tape Sim, but I have checked their compressors, EQs and basically those Mixbox kind of plugins (the one R2R released on...
Well, IMO, Steven Slate sucks. Most of the Slate plugins are good in those promo videos by Chris Lord and Mathew Weiss ... but they have...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Custom stereo 4 way setup. Crossover used is dbx Driverack PA2. Speakers and Subs are from Sonodyne. [ATTACH] The...
I think, v6 may come this July, if my guessing is right, which is, "major update on even year's July"
He used to be good. But now its just paid Biased bullshit most of the time. Now he does mostly biased reviews.
Well, have you considered Audient Evo 8 ??
Did you check the custom colortoolbar script? It is huge. Search Studio One Color Toolbar and you will get it. That toolbar is a must, IMO. (I am...
ARA (1 and 2) is created in a collaboration between Presonus and Celemony. Yet RX supports ARA2 in logic ONLY. Seems like some fruit comoany paid...
I hope RX9 will have full ARA2 capabilities. I mean c'mon
Most of the available (in sister site and torrent) Ample sounds products have been upgraded to v3 except I guess, probably 2 or at max 3. Use the...
Well, please post No smoothing data because Smoothened data may be good for higher frequencies but in Lower frequency it just hides a huge amount...
Doesn't matter. I mean it used to matter in win 10. Now, Microsoft entirely removed that feature from day 1 beta Windows 11. You can't drag and...
To me, no drag and drop and laggy file explorer was it. What the fuck? I thought Win11 will better the ASIO to somewhat Core audio level or...
Well, Unnecessary Bullshit.
it's for VST plugins and not VST Instruments. It works based on some gating function. If the sound from a channel goes beyond a threshold the...
Because of this thing called decluttering. First of all I had seperate similar tracks, say 8 pair of Left Right Background Vox. So I packed all...
Although I am a Presonus Legit user and kind of fan boy, Presonus S1 manual sucks. A lot of hidden (with respect to the manual) functionalities...
Also, after a lot of discussion and testing, I will be going with Sonodyne SM300 and a pair of Sonodyne SLF312 Subs.
Final ETC [IMG]
Separate names with a comma.