Logic and Live don't need to be connected, nor do any of my plugins. I don't know why, except that Logic is never K'd and doesn't need to be, but...
I think selling your music made with warez goes against the golden rule around these parts. But who am I anyway.
This place just reached a new low. Go to Pr0nhub.
I'm using the recent R2R release of Triton and Triton Extreme from the sister site. It is 1.4.1 of the regular Triton and 1.1.1 of the Extreme....
Well, I think your 2017 iMac with similar specs would easily outrun my 2018 MacBook Pro without breaking a sweat. Desktop processors are...
I have both of these plugins running in Logic on my 2018 MBP (i7, 32GB, Ventura). I tried, but haven't been able to replicate your problem on my end.
I third this gentleman. Spotify is a no-go for me. Maybe use Soundcloud? People in the forum can listen without even going to Soundcloud
Hey man. Every thread you've dug up and low-balled in the last hour is over one year old
I'm no expert by any means, but keygens almost always trigger AV. It even happens on my Mac with .exe keygen files! That's funny! I sometimes...
If you haven't done so, clean again, reinstall again, and disable your computer from the internet before you attempt to launch PT again. I don't...
I don't think Apple is trying to compete with Lenovo, etc., and I don't know if they need to. It's simply there to buy if you want it and a number...
I just installed AdGuard AdBlocker into Firefox and it solved the problem! Thank you!
When I click on a link in Peeplink (sister site downloads), I get a popup window. This is new, maybe the last week or so. It happens with both...
I apologize for this, but is VAT about the same thing as we call Sales Tax across the pond? Is that only when importing?
Hmm. Of course it's a two channel track (SC doesn't offer multichannel). But someone else should chime in here who has more experience with Atmos,...
Upon bouncing, Logic warned me that AAC would not work for Atmos and wouldn't let me bounce to that. To get around that, I bounced to wav stereo...
Yeah, no issues with THC. You mentioned you can't do coke anymore. I'm not getting into a discussion about your use of that other than to say:...
I take the tablet form daily for bipolar type 2.
I've been taking Abilify for 12 years. It has had zero effects on me like it has you. I wish you the best
A few years ago, I watched a video of Aoki (and some other DJ) on stage at a festival. The camera was fixed behind the mixer, facing the stage. In...
Separate names with a comma.