I see, thanks. Metheny's in my top fave guitarists. Page, Blackmore, Metheny, Steve Morse
Bought that ages ago, and I mean ages. Took one look at the manual and right into the closet it went never to be used. Like many others I gather...
Curious as to what you think is an old school fusion sound. I'm old enough to have listened to that stuff (70's??) but can you name band/guitarist...
Using your own music as soundtrack for your onlyfans masturbation videos. Beat off to the rhythm of your own mad beats. Watch the money cum...
Internet and its social media outgrowth has basically turned much of the world into glorified panhandlers panhandling off each other. Guess...
There's been all kinds of 'solutions' by way of getting around that pesky complex analog waveform to midi. Think the big reason as to why that...
First I got a Casio PG midi guitar. Then I moved to a Roland GI-20 and a Godin xtSA and a Switch with built in GK2. Never really got heavy into...
place it under a leg to steady a wobbly table
fart > burp
Yeah, lots of good music to be found but has to be searched out. Once popular music became a tool for pushing products, celebrity, and shaming...
bing boing
gleep glorp
Let's put it this way..... these vids are simply porn for recording enthusiasts. As with regular porn, while it's not teaching you anything, it's...
This series mostly go any where from watching a guy twiddle knobs/move faders while barely saying a word throughout to how this or that piece of...
even worse
Maybe it's an inevitable spiraling to total nonsense and noise because there's nowhere else to go as far as whats left that's new and original for...
11??? Mine says 14!
Very very nice. My CC would be the energy is the same level across the entire song. There should be build ups, as usually done for choruses, and...
Separate names with a comma.