If you can find legacy version of these plugs drumatom by accusonus - Microphone Leakage Suppression Application (kvraudio.com) drumatom player...
Pulsar MU Analog Obsessions VARIMOON Kush Audio ar-1 and Novatron Sonimus TUCO
Arturia's 1176 is bad ass Then I really like this spanker Purafied VU Compressor good one also is the Analog Obesession one fetish and Smooth...
Analog Obsession one is awsome but I also tripped with the Red_Rock_Sound one All of Sonimus SonEq 2 low end and high end really is strong but a...
1.Ableton live 11 2.Win 10 Pro 64 3.Sonimus, Kush, Arturia, D-16 & Analog Obsessions
You forgot about this guy... and remember...choice of Eq is like saying you have to use salt here and pepper there.... Sergeant Pepper Says...
This question should be addressed and answered by Gregory Scott of Kush Audio he release his own plug based on his own engineering knowledge and...
I ARfal I own a legit copy still wondering if you managed to fixed the multiple screen issue as I recall when working with 2 screen it was...
Honestly feels like a WAVES screwup nothing that has to do with R2R
I also Confirm that no wave plugin showup in the insert zone for the OmniChannel Strips
I doubt you use a good anti virus that avoid signaling false positive or you donwload it elsewhere to your own rizk good luck
This Thread is Not About Music Love and it's sacred dedication but it seems more like revealing the sectarianism amongst all aficionadoes who...
I think it is pretty stable and solid all vst3 now in ableton 10.1 are crytals " ) fun but... no fix so far for any AudioUtopia release ... and...
Nicely Curated Rudy Thanx A Bunch " ) PeaceR
In Calgary Canada there is a museum dedicated to music and in it's basement there is all the history of synths store there in impeccable...
relax all it's no good trying lolz [MEDIA] It's no good trying to place your hand Where I can't see, because I understand That you're different...
lolz so much conditionnings with your snake spew death will happen to you too... in the end so RIP But spare your venom spit...for the ones who...
of course there is eq to color or not and smoother q's etc... part of the concept behind what the inventor was trying to tackle And there is...
Yeah just update your video graphic card and make sure your win is up to date
Hit me I can teach you Ableton thru Teamviewer I'm an official AbletonUserGroupOrganizer and work in a studio as a rec and mixin engineer...
Separate names with a comma.