What is -6db? If you’re gain staging in the digital realm most sims want -18 to -12 dbfs rms. Are you using your guitar into a multiport Mic/Line...
I’m really hoping they eventually add altissimo to all the WW instruments. Then doing some Lenny Picket lines with the tenor sax would be a dream!!
They are wind controller oriented for best implementation. Actually, the way a standard tuned guitar is setup wind instrument lines are easier to...
So we're arguing 2 extremes now? Homeless person loves pet, but cant guarantee if the pet will eat today. & botox billionaire bimbos who restrict...
I might not have been clear.. I meant he should have negotiated with her when she approached him the first time.
You're absolutely right about Animal Control. They treat animals worse than the Amish. I mentioned taking it to a No Kill shelter. Plenty of those...
@Ryck - Why not make part of the agreement she has to take the dog to a vet 3 times a year, get shots PLUS allow visitation after work in the...
I always insert Seventh Heaven Pro “Boston Hall 2”100% wet into “Altiverb Fox Scoring Stage” 100% wet followed by CLA76 blue all buttons mode...
From what I read. he was a homeless man on the street. What I meant is - when approached by this crazy lady - he should have considered the well...
If the man had any sense he would have negotiated to allow her to pay him to care for the dog. Then when his lazy ass got a job under the terms of...
The best part about this plug is that it doesn't feature a photo of Jaycen with short shorts & hairy ass legs in GUI anywhere!!
You can dump VSL easier now since they switched to ILOK. The only problem is it costs you to transfer…. And yes, VSL is still strong among pro’s...
I swear their business model is based on confusion & FOMO… Overlapping libraries, core/full editions, elemental libraries that contain...
Just imagine if VSL did a sub....
The bells could be anything from D50, JV or JD series, Tritons, EMU modules or Kurzweil.. They don’t sound like DX bells in my opinion.
Would someone here be kind enough to show me how to rename an AU component so Logic scans in 2 separate plugins? Ive tried editing the plist,...
UVI Ravenscroft, Scarbee rhodes 88, Acoustic Samples organ and Wurly.
I love you 3000 :bleh:
Separate names with a comma.