One more thing, I've said it before, don't overthink too much or you'll run into analysis paralysis and never get anything done. It's good to have...
I usually start out with a fairly honest plan of setting my kick first at a certain level, balancing the remainder of the drums to that, then the...
Another way is to just host it yourself, if it isn't anything important and driving a lot of traffic, and if you have a static IP. Also depends on...
Oh, all good.. I knew you were joking.. no harm done at all. :drunks:
I picked that one because it was so obvious of a person to use to help demonstrate what the word meant... lol! @petrrr I actually just use...
Interesting.. I never actually used their modular synth (it's not for me). I didn't even know that their main synths (Polymode, DreamSynth,...
Glad to hear you figured it out. That makes sense it was some sort of plugin. Which plugin is it, out of curiosity? And re: crush vs. crash......
When you say "crushing/crush" do you mean crash??? I've seen you use the word "crush" before but I'm not sure if english is your second language...
My wife has one, or something similar. She really likes it. I have had to use it once or twice to do something, and someone's similar mouse at...
Yes, they do accept credit card. I'm absolutely not at all affiliated with Real debrid, and have no allegiance to any of these things.. just...
One more thing... there's a Kenny Gioia / Reaper tutorial for everything imaginable. He does a great job of explaining just about everything....
It's going to depend on what you're compressing, but generalizing a bit, on a full mix.. Fast release: possibility to distort things a bit too...
To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure why anyone chooses to pay for a subscription to just one service.. RG, or Uploaded, or other. The cost of...
I will photoshop your IQ for $100 / IQ point. This is really a good rate. One time offer, expires soon...
I don't think there are default keys for that, but you right click on any solo button and see the modifiers for when you click the button... that...
Someone in another thread suggested doing the RSS feed. I started doing that a month or two back, and haven't looked back. I use QuiteRSS and set...
I think the Arturia releases work pretty well, but they aren't dummy proof. And I say that not in an insulting way. I, myself, did something wrong...
Separate names with a comma.