guys, is there a delay plugin where you can apply different delay times to left and right channel (use dotted or triplet) and that delay times are...
maybe you should read carefully what platensesoul said. if you did, you would know that he said Logic 9 need it, X and Ableton dont.
dont think it's a bug, the waves ultrapitch plugin is latency intensive. google WAVES PLUGIN LATENCY and see which plugins induce latency :)
when i try to validate sonnox plugins i get this error: Manufacturer String: Sonnox (AU Native) AudioUnit Name: Oxford Reverb Component Version:...
dont quite like 32 lives as i think the plugins that i use via 32 lives are quite slow. only use it for sylenth and smexoscope
tried codesigning openssh dylib and no go with sonnox, even tried codesigning sonnox plugins and still no go. 10.9.5 and lpx 10.2.0
you dont need to bump, just read artattack post on page 2 and read this whole thread ;)
i think that posts of many of you are offtopic. topic is, it's not allowed for someone to use r2r method of cracking and crack software and...
ARTATTACK on page 2 made a step by step tutorial, if you need to find instructions for this then maybe you should read the whole thread? :)
dont know why artattack patches logic, because logically all you need to patch plugins to use openssh library. as i can remember, thats all i did.
i duplicated openssh libstdc and now i have two of the same but with different names: libstcd++.6.0.9.dylib and libstcd++.6.dylib and can use most...
two days ago i updated from 10.8.5 to 10.9 and then run combo update to 10.9.5 and had no problems at all. i used unibeast method, all drivers...
happy birthday and all the best
HEY MAN, thanks a million :) i got it working with your instructions. I'm gonna patch almost all AU plugins with this method, if Catalyst wants i...
It's not stupid, this is the first time i use hex editor in my life. I dont want others to do it for me and to waste their time, thats why i asked...
if you go to file/export logic wont export sends, a good advice is to export in solo mode all channels that use send effects. if you want to...
i've tried to patch plugin AND logic pro X with hex editor, after i patch LPX there is no way to run it, checked permissions but couldnt find...
Separate names with a comma.