The Aliens sent the signal in the desert so you need to take the vaccine in order to interact with them they are coming soon they speak in ilok...
I dont want to install the hardware ones but i dont know which ones are hardware and which are just software
I am looking to buy PC MoBo with lots of memory and PCIe slots DDR4 etc going to build as my chrismas present
LOL you missed one thank you for your research.. after a song is mixed and mastered i goes on the internet and radio as mp3 on ear buds etc...
I hit A and it does not show on the sample i set it up the handles don't show when i double click on the sample what am i doing wrong yes heard...
I guess it just came to me that the filter im using only goes to 12db and I need to go 48 and automate a filter sweep :(
yes but how and what did they use as a filter or any other track that does that filtering thing
I know it an old track but what did they use to filter the whole song back into the drums I cant seem to achieve it
thank you im going to try on sunday
I love disco and want to use a rhodes pad which of the hundreds of vsti do i use :( this is the issue belonging to the sister site you get...
Battery 4 Preset 2 Funk Kit chord name Chord Funk 2 what key is it in what chord is it and how do I find out myself to find a chord...
Whats the largest city in the world DUBLIN cause it keep doublin and doublin yessss Iyaaaaaaaaa
the is an add library program you need it in the kontakt dir make a shortcut to your desktop first you add your libraries with it then you open...
masterclass all the series[ATTACH] cooking growing singing you get it
i could ask some one one the sister sight how to upload but i dought they would want me too :(
I have the whole master class i downloaded from one of my Toreents 500 gigs of garbage including the all of them up top
I broke down and bought the update I'm so sorry i disappointed the world i want to sell mine I have it on Kijiji Toronto i put a high price...
Whats the method called when the Cords sound like they always sound like they are going in up in key but they just repeat in seq the something...
Separate names with a comma.