Does former R2R releases have the presets
I have the YAMAHA HS-8 they go down really low with the 5's you might want to get the matching subwoofer for the 808's drones
I need a free program like Luminati (paid) anyone know of such a beast or have medicine for one or more I like using medicine it does not get...
don't update Native Access it removes the add library from the desktop
hmmmmm its even buggy in the legit version works better in Cbase 11 that's what we pay for when we upgrades, it is too fix the stuff we bought...
Hmm so your in Europe so your voltage is 200 and something cant remember you would not by chance have adapters on your plugs to change the...
did you plug them into a new outlet when you upgrade if not then where did you plug the new computer into change that Im speaking electrical...
I know its off topic but Im looking for a PDF school book intermediate Algebra: An Applied Approach, 9th Edition for my mechanical eng class
I use Cubase 11 and it works for me I would suppose all DAWs are good when they are stable and have the features you need and use and you find...
I now know the reverb that is on my 24 track tapes from years ago I too had trouble finding the presets im old but Lexicon keeps coming to...
Thread Solved Brainworx BX Solo did it Thanks Baxter.... just push button Stereo goes to Mono CUBASE does not have this feature not even...
just looking for a button to push on the master bus to go Mono / Stereo to check for mono working ok on the bass, in Cubase you have it only in...
LOL you guys are cruel LOL
could be as simple as plugin manager not seeing the dir check to make sure you see that you installed in right DIR
Thanks I was looking for something like this :)
Isnt NEXSUS a Canadian Company ? from Toronto
Ok i can downmix from stereo to mono in the control panel but you only hear that on the monitors I would like to hear in the Heaphones connected...
Mine dreams R2R Its a frigging Tsunami
Hello pirate im from AZ can I get the site im trustworthy thanks
I use 2 cans and a string between them To quote everyone I know they use Closed for recording and Semi for mixing so use that as a starting...
Separate names with a comma.