I bought a couple days ago a midi controller and with my purchase i got some additional vsti-s. They are all licenced and legal, but when i try to...
I did, nothing happens, still the same issue.
My router is ZTE ZXHN H108N, i tried everything. but couldn't figure it out. I find there some URL filter option and i added presonus.com, but...
How to prevent accessing my Ipad to presonus.com servers. Because of that i can't connect to my Pc on SO4, there is a warning in ipad and it says...
Oh, how would i do that? Can you explain me pls.
I did all that and and SO4 is not anymore deactivating, but when i try to connect with my ipad it says Studio one is not activated on your...
I did all that and when i try to connect with my ipad it says Studio one is not activated on your computer.
Where do i find the host file on my pc?
I finaly got my midi keyboard controller, sofar i used my ipad as keys. My wish was actually to have keyboard with some other controls for my SO4....
I watched the video, but there are a bunch of outouts in the video, pretty complicated staff, don't know what to do...
I know that they are not main outputs, because at the moment i don't have any active speakers with xlr outputs, so i use at the moment those alt...
Hi all! I have the problem using my Zed as interface. I want to use it as a recording and laso playback device. I am Studio one 4 user. I...
My OS is Windows 8.1
I use PC and i blocked studio one 4 via firewall, but now i can not access with my studio one remote control because i blocked internet connection...
I really can't figure it out what is the big deal about those color changes in all the famous DAW-s, their color settings sucks, there should be...
Didn't work so far with the package. Is it worth not updating because of that?
Separate names with a comma.