i know talk about katalyst it off topic, i never had problem with..kata, not here , not on audioz. :dunno: but i was to made apoint of view how...
yeah !! something its wird/estrange, this pair of ´´new´´ member some are childish and other are jelouse, i think that are a lot of...
yeah, but all the forum have ´´childish`` facebook TO..means ..... so ignore!! them . find the best POST you like. i do this. if you see : I do...
0) do the thing like administrator or super administrator 1) CLOSE pro tools 12, when you are WRAPpEd (WRAPped-ING) or wherever/whoever VERB...
I make a suggestion, change the title of the post for THIS IS NOT A POST requisitions / REQUESTS :suicide: OR MAYBE ADD TO TITLE = PLASE DONT MAKE...
you are administrator? you try compatibility win 7 win 8 win 10? you search on softube page, setting? compatibility? System-Requirements? or on...
STOP REQUESTING THINK....MAN READ: https://audiosex.pro/threads/rules.19991/ HERE STEP 2) Therefore warez requests and linking are strictly...
yeah for me to.... but if you type on : https://translate.google.com , he give the two options as goods :dunno: i will change to the most...
i am editing, to the post because i am bad english to....and my teacher its: https://translate.google.com.br. but i dont understand waht you ask?...
METAL: Convolution reverb/IMPULSE RESPONSE EXTENSION (part 2) STRUCTURE of this POST: 1) what is convolver 2) Developers 3) packs IR 4) extras =...
Metal: hardware IR modules STRUCTURE of this POST: 1) nebula 2) kemper-amps 3) Fractal Audio 4) Atomic Amplifire 5) two-notes 6) line6 helix/pod...
METAL: re-amping / re-amp STRUCTURE of this POST: 1) re -amping a) what is re -amping ? b) how to re -amping c) video tutos, explain....
STRUCTURE of this POST: 1) developers ir (impulse response) 2) loaders software .................(*) a) only loaders .....................b) vst...
ash : thank added now... ps:: i need to add. some more that i find. (need time) yeah !!! :headbang::metal:real eight by (MusicLab ) its GREAT...
yeah for me its more LIKE = brutal or brutal gore. but they are so many ´´SUB-GENRES´´
hi toguro, i like it the tuto. more i LIKE your YOUTUBE CHANel. very good content, i am checking varius videos. ****************** oi toguro, eu...
overall.of the sound : use TRIM,a lot of plug-ins have TRIM, or mixtool from studio one. rembember not only the gain-staging, but to not STAR a...
ok. yes yeah (en ESPAÑOL) SI!!! make one, but... on his section, IF guitar on post guitar list, or make a new poSt type: ´´metal guitar discuss...
well.... 1) this its on sub genre ROCK/METAL, like my other s post it have Metal to Rock List. 2) man ARE drums :dunno: all drum are for any style...
#Xupito yeah!! like a poll ? or Something? discuss: playabilitym, articulations, sounding, heghit (GB), price, etc... and the players of...
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