My preferred method. Windows comes in at just under 4 GB. Just enough to run my DAW, a few plugins and apps I need. The machine stays offline and... "By the time you read this, large‑scale testing will have begun, with SEPIA units poised to join...
Karno raises curtain on SEPIA® "This is not emulation, this is the real deal: This new hardware platform gives Engineers and Creatives the...
I like a lot of them, mostly 80s but some others: Doctor Who, Punky Brewster, Mork & Mindy, MASH, The Incredible Hulk, CHiPs, Magnum, P.I, Amazing...
I did all the cheap interfaces for decades. Had to keep replacing them ever few years. It sucked. Save and go with RME. It's worth it for drivers...
The only people I've ever met that I consider ethical in my lifetime, so far, was a family in the mountains of Peru when I stayed out there for a...
I know what you're getting at but the evil part is a descriptor and evil is subjective. but you might be happy to know that this is one...
Master the waves and shape them in any way you want. The Behringer KOBOL EXPANDER is about to be your latest spell book in an infinite sea of...
beauty is in the eye of the beholder [MEDIA]
"Two years ago Vladimir Kuzmin and Behringer entered into a collaboration to develop a new Polivoks synthesizer. Here now is the latest prototype,...
Have you heard of the Banana? A polyphonic analog synthesizer produced by Electronic Engineering Hoffmann (EEH), in collaboration with...
“They will never make it” - Behringer via FB [ATTACH] "UB-Xa Classic Analog 16-Voice Multi-Timbral Polyphonic Synthesizer with 8 Vintage...
I didn't have a specific synth in mind. I mean exactly what I said but In other words, to hopefully add some clarity: To me the X8 sounds like a...
I didn't say it sounds like a Prophet. I don't know where you got that from. I've seen those videos, not sure why you posted them or what they...
“They will never produce it” - Behringer via FB [ATTACH] I do not like that reddish screen
Yeah they sound good. That said the OB-X8 does not sound like an OB-X, OB-Xa, or an OB-8. Apparently they can't reproduce their old synths or...
Yeah, it looks like about $400 in there. Maybe. I couldn't get it to sound like: [MEDIA] or [MEDIA] or any of the models they claim it can do...
[ATTACH] Did they really?
First prototype of the UB-X [ATTACH] [ATTACH] They say this one will be finalized a lot faster. Still no word on the release of the UB-Xa but...
I think they'll make cool gifts. When my niece was young she used to bring me "Homies" figurines when she visited and I would put them around my...
Separate names with a comma.