I have the same problem - cubase 10.5 runs great (for me) on windows 7, but is only supposed to be run on windows 10 systems... the app close...
Certainly not until i strayed onto this fetishistic fanboy thread. That's learned me... :facepalm:
Mate, you're welcome to trust Apple 'til the sky falls, it's no skin off my nose. However, unless you're a senior exec at Apple HQ, all you know...
Among other things, i've professionally integrated & developed complex web systems since the late 90s. I didn't enumerate the many other...
Have you ever heard of VPN? It's only been around for years now and is used by less-ignorant people than you to hide actual geolocation. Have you...
Well, your bias appears to suggest that anyone who challanges Apple's integrity must be an anti-establishment crank with an automatic hatred of...
I always smile when i hear this kind of patronising putdown - probably the greatest cerebral coups of the postmodern age is the general...
Maybe you're right but maybe not... in any event, there are no essential new features in 11 and i for one am not risking £85 to mod on a hunch......
I've used cubase for what seems like forever and am currently entirely productive on cubase 10.5 Pro right now on windows 7. £85 for a couple of...
Can Someone Please Explain STEAM? It's what water turns into @ 100 degrees celcius..:drummer:
+1 on due care when choosing your case, proper attention is necessary before making your final choice - the current selection looks very...
Yeah, i know what you mean. TBH i might give your suggestion a go myself at some point, though i think having an up-to-date browser (with decent...
Dude, we're not securing a commercial bank or the Pentagon, just workstation PCs! :)
As far as i am aware, other than completely reformatting the drive (well, the encrypted partition at the very least) you should be ok. Of course...
Aye, this sorrowful news has me shaken and stirred.
Windows 10. Chrome. Edge...ok, got it.
Yup - stash the cash in a 'Advanced Jazz Techniques' folder on a shelf in your studio... :like:
It's true there are many varients of some browser engines. However, both Firefox & Opera themselves are built on entirely different code than...
Are you surfing on a phone or a proper computer? Have you tried using a different browser e.g. firefox?
FYI Meridian Audio imagine that £15,000 spent on one of their DACs or £48,000 for a pair of speakers is reasonable... The fact is, i'm not some...
Separate names with a comma.