Thank you jigasquid! That site is very interesting and I didn't know it... let's try! :grooves: However also RX, audition and live can make...
Happy birthday! Incidentally yesterday was also my birthday... (and Frank Zappa birthday) :mates: :dancing:
Are you saying that you can open Max standalone (without Live running) with no demo nag-screen?
Mmmmmhh I'm not a logicX guru but I think no.. Usually I try to activate and deactivate the plug and check the difference in activity monitor..
I don't use Ox but MAX for this purpose. However try to send back your data. If something goes wrong the synth should tell you data invalid or...
Ok in this link there is a consistent discography of P. G. with the photo of the original album. You can see that Michael Riesman plays keyboards...
I don't know, I should google it! I have read about a Farfisa organ... Terry Riley used a Yamaha organ bought in Rome...! If you like wall of...
I think that he used mainly electronic organs like Farfisa or Yamaha etc. but your link points at a rerecorded version with an orchestra..
Hey it's fantastic! Thanks...
I don't understand your needs very well, I use CCC on osx and all is ok... but why changing name of tracks? Projects won't recognize them anymore...
Thank you the Dingus I was going to buy Vertigo and now I do it!
Yes it sounds so different compared to other synthesizers... very psychedelic indeed!
If you know the dimensions of the room you need only a pocket calculator, pencil and paper for the axial modes! Google for "room modes" there are...
One of the first additive synthesizers was Discodsp Vertigo.. It's still available and cheap too..
If you don't have processing power problems I don't see any advantage in freezing tracks and yes.. I prefer stereo drums! and being the mastering...
First of all why not to take a look at the max help file and the tutorials inside? you tube tutorials are sometimes incredibly verbose... :shock:
Hi hi also here on firefox I confirm the quote that ukslinger posted so I don't worry at all
I think that the critical point is to find or to resurrect the decks that have recorded those tapes! Especially for eight tracks recording.. clean...
Dangerous sound level is a bad habit.. yesterday I saw the Swans live.. I like them, but every musician wore earplugs and so the engineer, that is...
Sorry but a drummer that can't play in time with a click track should try another job.. however it seems a bad idea to record drums alone without...
Separate names with a comma.