Some examples: Pharrel - Happy was 30ish tracks (considered "simple"), and Lily Allen - the Fear was 100ish. They're both very famous artists with...
You want a de-esser that compresses ALL frequencies instead of compressing selected frequencies
If NASA didn't land on the moon, how did they put a mirror on it?
WPOP & JPOP Mashups & Edits junh1024:
Arrange view is not a hack. It's part of the app. What's "real multitracking"? Also, it would be nice if you stated all your requirements UP...
You can try vocal pitch correction software.
That's drum sample replacement. While mulab might have that builtin, there's external plugs...
Splitting & arranging audio clips is another BASIC function of most DAWs.
I made a sheet for Reverbs & Gates. CPU consumption is best represented by figures, not by ordinal/rating....
MOST DAWs or Adobe Audition / REAPER
No. Some apps have scaling problems at 4K.
It's not really for making space tho. waves factory TRACKSPACER is for making space (on the macro scale), but you can mimic that with any...
There are less instruments playing, less FX, and the instruments are tonal , so you will see more blackness. It's that simple.
We all know RPR is the king of extensibility, and if you're craving AIO track routing sorta like Reason, see...
Well, I'm being vague so it could be true, limiting adds harmonics which weren't in the original, & you never know what's going on underneath that...
Same [IMG]
FIR = linear phase. Spectral editing SHOULD be FIR. Limiting audio is NOT a linear process, and artefacts might not be symmetrical. Then the...
Using more CPU is not an indicator of quality. The devs usually wouldn't bother with different code paths for different deliverables.
Better question: WHY do you want to make VST plugs?
This doesn't make you a master of C++ or audio DSP. In fact, it might be irrelevant. See for FX...
Separate names with a comma.