Fact is that AA half asses their tools, each release has issues teamed with their poor attitude it alienates the user base.
Nebula technology was special... but IMHO AA just has too many quirks and bugs in their Acqua tech today and they are so inconsistent with each...
Yes it is a digital tool but you may want to study up on dynamic convolution technology, algo tech models hardware while convolution samples hardware.
For me sound quality matters most and has priority in my tool choices, to each their own.
If someone can't properly use a tool, it's not the fault of the tool.
Nebula is a tool, nothing more nothing less. As a tool it does what no other digital tool does, that's its value IMHO. I work hybrid using...
DSP does not suddenly allow algo technology to properly mimic transformers or tubes... if you think it does you don't use hardware.
Algo technology has it's strengths, but it still can't properly mimic tube and transformer based saturation, especially dynamically, thus the need...
Unfortunately NOTHING you listed saturates like hardware.... thus the need for Nebula as it's the closest tool to get hardware saturation when...
Ok then, exactly what technology is making AA's technology obsolete?
It's advanced dynamic convolution technology, exactly what technology has made that obsolete?
Logically speaking, wouldn't using one algo EQ plugin be the very definition of limiting? It's just a good clean graphical EQ, but it lacks...
Looking at Windows for a solution is a joke, Microsoft will not even allow you to protect your online computer with their automatic updates and...
As a Windows user since 3.0, I guarantee you after you jump to Win 10 you'll be back to Mac M1 faster than you can imagine, lol.
Nebula has many libraries that you can chain to give similar results.
My guesses would be: 1. FL Studio is known as the most pirated DAW helping give it the large user base, SSL may not see it as a priority thinking...
Acqua's are multi Nebula libraries with a custom skin, so both are Nebula technology. All Acqua's can be pulled up in Nebula.
N3 and the N4 Player will work without issue on the same computer in the same DAW, as they are different programs using different resources. N4...
I worked at the highest level in NYC, LA, and Atlanta... it is absolutely much WORSE than they describe. Today I would advise people to stay...
To properly capture the feel of the original Blade Runner synths there are 3 needs. First a CS-80 synth, second the huge lush verbs, and third...
Separate names with a comma.