yes and he was right, Moroder's sound was indeed the future, not the many Stockhausen or Glass or Reich ! even the Kraftwerk were not futuristic...
yes but it's the typical open-source scam, this was a FREE app and now they charge you 1$ thus breaking the original concept and making it de...
because while it looks good in the screenshots it turns out to be the typical open source app perpetually in alpha or beta stage, on top of this...
AAS rocks ! they should believe a bit more in their own products, make more presets and packs, i would push more about Drums for instance, no...
Moroder was a lot more influential than Kraftwerk, ALL his songs are Disco from top to bottom ,he was already nr.1 in UK several times with Disco...
it's a shame because Digital Performer looks like a solid product, the use of Tabs is something that should be copied in every other DAWs for...
yes i agree it's even too much feature packed but as you can read here everyone is still bitching about cubase lacking this or that compared to S1...
v1.75 is reported to work in the steinberg forum but not the previous versions. in any case, why so many users are still on 32bit plugins in 2016...
hahaha cheers mate !!
what they dont tell you is that Theory is one thing but ultimately you need a good musical ear to progress otherwise you will get stuck doing...
1 - SugarBytes Obscurium, this VST instrument has incredible potential for anyone making Ambient/Chill/NewAge/Soundtracks, it's so obscure i don't...
good ! i'm using Diva, Zebra, and all the UhBik plugins, will test Repro-1 as soon as it's cracked.
and that's THE point. cubase is no-frills no bullshits DAW, there's no christmas-tree GUI, no skins, no bells and whistles, it's designed like a...
well, realistically Cubase has probably just a 5-10% market share among the bedroom producers, but it's probably 20-30% among Pro Audio users and...
if we think there was a time when a complex and technical genre like Prog-Rock was mainstream, and now it's Tiesto or VanBuuren, we have good...
Vorwerk is very technical, i admire him. DJs, i hate them with a passion. but, the core problem, the real issue, the root of all evils is still...
i don't miss at all, i had many analogs in the past and i sold them all and i would never go back. they tend to warmer and fatter but this comes...
the price has never been a factor in choosing the DAW, first of all because i've always used cracked DAWs until recently. i will stick with cubase...
hahaha and they usually pair OSX + Ableton of course, hipster DAW + hipster laptop. now, i know Ableton supports skins and other hacks but what...
so, yet another synth ? is it worth it ? on par or better with Diva ?
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