Yeah, can't really see anything in that pic Here's the equipment he uses if thats any help
Good luck guys, hope it works out for you
My favourite band It's not going to be a masterpiece, but it'll be better than 95% of the shite out there now Roger Waters is the closet thing i...
Remember guys, people go out and and vote for this shit, the electorate give the corrupt politicians their seal of approval that allows them to do...
What's it like then guys, the new sampletank 3? Any good? worth the download would you say?
My thoughts....I'm old skool I class downloading a movie or a song just the same as i would lending a cd or a dvd to a friend They're both...
All this internet police bullshit just got me thinking What would happen if one day we woke up and Audioz was taken down by the internet nazi's?...
+1 for Reaper here I changed a few months back, and it's great, i love it, but it horses for courses i suppose Try a few out, see what works...
Not sure what chords they are sorry, but I've heard you can paste in a link to any song on this website and the software will have a stab at...
Point duely noted
Yeah sorry if i offend you with the invisible man thing guys, religion just isn't for me you know? I've looked into it most of my life, seen no...
Unfortunately guys, unless we're all united and stand as one against these tyrants, regardless of what race, status, religion or nationality we...
My first keyboard was when i was a kid, it was one of those old cheap organ/keyboards that used to howl like the wind when you started them up,...
looks decent
Sounds promising, I like Kim Dotcom anyway, he seems a decent guy
RIP youtube 2005 - 2014, gone but never forgotten
Heh heh nice analogy
You know what though guys, even if we all started using a different search engine and fucked google off, all that would happen is TPTB would just...
The sad reality is guys is that TPTB can do what the hell they like, they own the fucking place! Remember? You name it...they fucking own it! All...
Nice review man Just not found the HD space yet for the 250 gb of data in this monster string package
Separate names with a comma.