Love the way you mangled that classical line. This style isn't my thing but you got the ear worm working on me... I'm still humming the hook.....
Thanks for the share, watching it now. breakages on digital downloads.... :woot: It kind of reminds me of a documentary I watched ages ago...
Everyone has to start somewhere and its great that you can compose, play, arrange and record. That's the important bit...! If you want to save...
True - and constructive criticism can be useful, as long as feedback is thoughtful and constructive its usually welcomed by most creatives. That...
Amen brother. No matter what you produce some people just wont like it or get it - and thats fine. Imagine what you'd be producing to get everyone...
Love it. I've only listened on a small mono speaker and I loved it. (And yes this little speaker can suck the life out of most music so that's a...
Great sound and I like the arrangements. For me I like a more natural sounding voice – that’s just my taste though and not a criticism of your...
Im using Win 10 and Reaper and both Mix Rack Complete v2.6.4.0 and slate tape, both recent are running fine as VST3. Have you tried them in Reaper?
A scanner Darkly kind of out there... [MEDIA]
I re-watched Utopia series 1 and two a few weeks ago and OH WOW series 1 is very timely indeed... :yes:
Same here, its a hell of a ride and the fact that it was banned, burnt, leaked out (or "pirated") and then heavily censored and published until...
A great read, an easy read and a classic The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov it's not a book you can only read once...:wink: [MEDIA]
All good points, if you're not using it switch it off at the wall. if you want to dig a bit deeper I found the documentary - bright green lies -...
Great recommendations - lots of good stuff I've never seen before and some great films I'd forgotten about, here's a little known film, its......
I know what you mean, I don't have the experience of many here, but for room reverb I tend to go first for Pro-R and if I cant get exactly what I...
Hey thanks for the ideas and the links! I've just ordered a Di dox, but thanks for the links
yeh, thanks to @mk_96 I finally got my head around how to get a guitar into both a mic and a line in at the same time AND via different paths....
Hi guys - as a final note I've looked into all the ideas and I've taken @mk_96 's advice and ordered a Behringer Ultra-DI DI100 DI Box and a 3 Pin...
I just checked the manual (great idea about the stereo.!) but the manual says Analogue Input 2 Connector ¼” (6.35 mm) jack socket on front panel...
Thank you, THANK you, THANK YOU... I've read A LOT about splitting a guitar signal and your answer boil it all down AND adds the important bits....
Separate names with a comma.