@John Thompson, stop the shit show or i will have to freeze your from comments! you've already received 2 warning points for offending another...
thank you for the suggestion. are you a python coder?
i'm surprised nobody mentioned AliExpress.com :woot: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32918888318.html - uGreen is a good brand. but here's one...
stop it :dont:
i actually believe that notation system is obsolete and inefficient, and i wish they would finally come up with a method of capturing melodies...
a complete update and refresh of this forum is long overdue. :yes:
i'm still able to download, but last time i entered arl was like 3 month ago and i don't want to go there again as long as it works :no: if it...
I'd go with Samsung, they are just so much better than most of what i've tested. there are also FE versions for every regular version, FE is...
i guess the only choice is not to count that you will make much money on music and do this as a hobby. that will also make you a better musician btw
there's too much choice and because of it, nothing is appreciated.
if you don't have a goal, it's not worth living any life, whether you're sober or not.
https://wasabi.com/cloud-storage-pricing/ https://audiosex.pro/threads/back-up-your-projects-to-the-cloud-now.42723/
I especially miss DiSCOVER :sad:
i have no idea who and why started calling AudioZ a "sister site". it was never prohibited to call it by the name or even link to the main page;...
glad you liked it. the only thing i miss in notepad is standard formatting, like in WordPad (bold, italic, heading etc). i need that in a simple,...
for text i'm using Notepad2. it's a lot simpler than Notepad++, but has that "Always on Top" feature that you want. there's also Notepad3, but i...
Thank you for reporting. there was indeed a problem with the search engine. we've fixed a few things, please test it now.
we do, because nothing is eternal - if one FS gets shut down, the whole site becomes dead. we've been through this before.
Acid, logic, traktor
can you please recommend youtube channels with decent, good quality pop music for kids and teenagers, ideally including jazz and electronic;...
Separate names with a comma.