Whatever you do, stay away from Soothe2, unless you have a 32 core CPU......
Didn't you hear?......I jumped ship for Reaper.....
I just want to wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year, and may our audio community thrive.....
True, I should have made the title, DAW Wars, what do you like about your DAW of choice
Looks like I opened a can of worms with this thread, was not my intention, at all.......smh
In my mind, it's similar to me trying to convince you that Coke is better than Pepsi when you've been a Pepsi guy forever, and all I do is go on...
I started this thread to better understand why everyone is still arguing about this, in almost every thread I read and countless youtube videos,...
What I would do is save it under a different name, start removing them one at a time, save it under that same name each time you do, and...
Merry Christmas everyone, or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate, may happiness, joy, and peace be with you all, stay safe and may you...
I had to go back to the R2R crack, I couldn't register under a different account name
If I use a tape sim, I prefer Softube Tape, after trying several I settled on it, sounds good to my ears
This comment could be used to describe Avid and Pro Tools as well......IMHO
Well, somebody's gotta do it, I figured I would take the hit........lol
I feel like the crack R2R released recently is probably the only one we're gonna see for some time yet, they clearly stated that it has enough...
A three month trial eh?....I don't believe it will be as effective of a marketing tool as First was, first left people wanting more, whereas the...
Stockholm syndrome is a bit extreme, I think the main reason older people still use PT is that it's the program and workflow they're used to,...
Touche' I've been playing around with Reaper though, and have to admit I'm impressed with it so far
Hey Prinz, did you come across that Pro Tools crack yet? my free trial runs out in six days.......lol
I think it has potential to be a better program than it is, but Avid keeps firing their programmers, and when 500 different people work on the...
Separate names with a comma.