Man, theres got to be a song forming about being stuck in the moment! Get well soon.
Thanks to this wonderful site, I have played with and tried many Daws and plugins. I'm now the proud owner of Cubase 9 pro, Ableton Suite 9 and...
Had a similar need, so I brought a M-audio Projectmix i/o and its perfect for my needs and can be picked up quite cheaply. Dont use the audio side...
After reading this thread and following the link I decided to pledge through Patreon. Thanks for the heads-up people.
Have to say that due to this site I now possess my main Daws and plugins, though I cannot imagine checking in to see what new delights I may buy.
If you have 3 Oscillators, leave one in tune, detune one down and one up apply a gentle chorus and that will give a close approximation of 7...
Fond memories, had Pro24 and was my main cure for a bad head injury. Now on Pro 9 and still love it.
Lack of confidence and very self critical.
Start Logic as Master and Ableton as slave. Route audio and all should be fine For a more in depth view I recommend...
Don't really have feelings either way about this. If they are known fake accounts then ban the fake ones. Sure i'm over simplifying things.
Can't say what advantages they provide, but pluginBoutique have great offers regularly.
It intergrates with cubase perfectly, and also gives me 8 inputs + another 8 through adat.
I sourced a m_audio project mix for £120 on ebay. That covers my needs
I too encountered a similar decision 8 months ago. I went for a second hand Behringer ADA800. Connected to an M-Audio projectmix i/o. It has been...
Novation impulse 25 or Novation Launchkey. Use both and love the feel and response - and i'm a grade 8 pianist.
It's for real. Brought and much appreciated.
Congrats. You have some of the best and worst ahead, remain calm and instill the values you cherish.
Thanks for your post. Am going to play with the free download before making a decision on purchase but am really appreciative for your effort.
And no problem here with windows 10.
Tell him to cntrl-a, then p. Then solo each part and export one at a time. He will then have all tracks start and end the same.
Separate names with a comma.