who the hell you talking to mmj?
7 billion beings live on a rock in deep space.......one percent of them are trying to disable the life support system....discuss
hi mmj thanks again for a great thread......also thanks for not answering too many useless troll blurbs...it makes finding the info...
lager ignored...sigh
whew so many to ignore and so little time to devote to it......clik
the name says it all.....CRACKPOT FART ignored...yawn
clown shoes ignore hahaha gotta be foster.....no one else can create a sentence this devoid of meaning
clown shoes fake
i kinow who the odd one is...ignored
looks like adheesive drank the kool aid
ah finally another voice of reason...welcome aboard sir / madam another warrior in the good fight against mindless absurdity...bravo
well thats cleared the air somewhat mmj...on with the real work
the pleasure is all mine sir
oh dear...im afraid my ignore button is getting a real workout today......listen trurl...really listen...and not just to the sound of your own voice
ooo careful lager........you almost got the point.....almost
hey crisis......no one could give a rats what you do mate...dance...dont dance....your opinion on this subject is just your opinion.....you are...
boom......ignore button wins
whats a jazz forum?
you can lead a horse to water....but you cant fix stupid
deepest respect friend....but let me remind you that no one cares what you are into....and we expect you not to care what we are into....music is
Separate names with a comma.