If you think that it is simple today ...how will it bee tomorrow. ....and imitate who´s vocal ??? cleary DM , or wouldnt you say`? Yes ,...
It´s getting hotter. really curious what depeche mode has to say to this: [MEDIA]
I wouldnt say so. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/win-rockefeller-dead-at-57/ Let´s not talk about conspiracy-theorys in this thread. Let us do...
That´s the point! BUT!....... the fact ONLY , that we are talking and considering that statement , means that there is something bothering us, at...
[MEDIA] Listen. Read The Description. It says: " Music generated by Udio. Lyrics wrote by me. " -Despite your favourite music genre , is it...
Yes ,thats one problem.Most artists have been payed badly eversince. Everywhere where the machine has replaced humans, there was loss of jobs.In...
@muciones Yes , I agree , especially for some common mainstream music styles. But my fear is that the Algorithm(s) will evolve , because you can...
I´m completly baffeld ! It´s not my favoured musicstyle but after hearing this : https://www.udio.com/songs/coixNX1gnJ1oWT8z2LQddk ...and now...
Such a fair and polite Moderator. He will be missed. Rest in Peace
vom presonus forum: "Open both songs, drag select and copy (Anm. Käfersaft: Strg+c) all of the markers from the first song and then click in...
Yes , with DAW ( Digital Audio Workstation ) I meant Studio One. At the Sister , -is Presonus Studio One Soundsets Complete 5. That´s the "latest...
Maybe you are on the wrong error : So you have the DAW up and running good ? ... and have you dwnloaded the Soundsets ? , -that is a seperate...
You only have main App installed. No soundsets. Search for Presonus Studio One 5 Soundsets Complete ...somewhere :chilling: That is the "latest...
From the Features List: TOUCHSCREEN CONTROL "With the multipoint master touchscreen, featured on the S6 M40 and M10 core engines, you can quickly...
@itaudio . Could you please do a small tutorial , what to download and how to install Jarredou´s Colab MVSep-MDX23 into UVR ver. 5.6.0 ? I only...
Thank you both , Choosename and Oltte - those are both perfect ! :like: ..so my wish has been fullfiled. :thanks: As both clips are absolutly...
Hi , I have a wish. Could someone who has the skill, seperate the voice from the background music from this 8 seconds clip and upload the voice...
@Kuru13 : I don`t get it. You have successful installed a R2R software and activated it on your pc , and it works, right ? You now have the...
If by "play" you mean - play a real instrument or sing, and actually hear it in realtime : yes -Active. Note that the Vu-meters then shows your...
The picture says it all : Cats can , -and sometimes will ,-learn things that they benefit from. Thats all. We give dogs food and they think "...
Separate names with a comma.