Hi, The link for listen my 10 news tracks http://soundcloud.com/bouddha-shish Thank for your ask and com' :)
Hi, I found this ;) http://www.novatone.net/software/Quattro/DriverInst.htm...
Just a topic for know if people are interisting for create a free song for thanking all crackers team for them sharing with love :hug: lyrics...
When you find your linux station : http://musik.klarmachen-zum-aendern.de/fmc/2011/en/free_music_contest Linux is ready :...
op- i see that but on their site they have some free cool plug, 2 exactly ;)
I record with korg kaoss pad 2 wired on m audio firewire and record with "samplit", i use this for the first time and this soft is realy cool for...
Hi, This is my first beatbox library :) -> http://dl.free.fr/fpmLqjS7X All free, Peace
For the link : http://www.youtube.com/user/MultiDaWhite i upload my KAOSS vid :) And for 6-7 DAW it's because i'm not a musician on my...
it s alway much expensive ;) i remember the start of 2D-3D and music software on pc (proc x86 and 256mo ram) but the price is done : 2-300 000$ IE...
Sorry for my english, vocabulary and grammar, so i ask "have you realy not understand..." without irony, just for know if my sentence is correct...
Thank, this method is ok for some plugin, or sometimes i just copy the DLL in vst folder and archive it, but not work for all, specialy for big or...
Hi, it's realy good deal, no? http://imsproav.com/main/EastWest-Complete-Composers-Collection-HD-Promotion.html or...
special lol for the "metal concert" on photo ;) :rofl:
in french : http://www.thisisnotawebsite.com/forumrnz/sujet-7767,cherche-musiques-de-films-films-sans-musique.htm i can help you if you need...
Hi everybody, Z3ta come in V2, it's cool ;) "The legendary waveshaping sound of Z3TA+ (zay'-ta) is back – and better than ever. New filters,...
I give a exemple with Halion and Kontakt, for this plug i have a autonome folder with DLL, REG, preset and all i need... for the free plug, and...
Have cool free plug :) but where is portableVST? (without instalation, just drag n' drop in vst folder...) otherwise Thx
Hi Every body, I search a list of plugin who work well with portable system or the method for make a vst(I) portable with LEGAL (or not)...
It depend what do you want with video? realtime/differed? (you can look : Resolume, Arkaos, Elektronica, Modul8 on mac) creation/playing?...
Cool, i like ;) If you want i can add somme Kaoss Beat box or instrument sound -.- I make my soundcloud in signature ;) Thx
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