The thing is Von Steyr is that we are special but the ruling elites have told us that we are nothing but but ape decendants that originated from a...
As long as you're not gonna spend it on mind altering drugs! :woot:
Division is the top of the agenda right now! Left-Right, Black-White, Male-Female, Straight-LGBTQ............! If we are arguing and fighting...
USA will spin any old story in order to invade Iran! It's been on the cards for years!!
What I see and experience with my own eyes (Looking up into the sky and seeing them old chemtrails) is more real to me than any lie that MSM tells...
I trust my own eyes more than I trust CNN for example!
Hmmm! I'll believe it when I see it matey!!:bleh:
Does reality actually exist?!!!!!!
We are all biased to some extent or other I believe. We grow up within our social surroundings and we build a mental image of our experiences...
Well we all say stuff and we are all trying to find answers to this crazy thing called life. We agree and disagree about stuff and that's okay! As...
Science is based on theory and is always being corrected accordingly. I sometimes think that science is actually a buffer between reality and...
People can follow their own paths in life and hold the beliefs that matter to them! What gives you the right to rubbish that and hold it up for...
These books do offer an alternative reality and possibly a reality closer to the one that most people have grown up to believe! I personally...
His-Story is certainly not ours! QUOTE = Smoove Grooves "Wow, this 3D dualistic illusion is such an irritating bind sometimes". I'm a simple...
Interesting reading list! (Have you read them all?) There is so much knowledge out there that covers so much stuff that we rarely hear about. Our...
I totally agree! When we realise that we are being manipulated then we can see it for what it is and sidestep it! Manipulation however has many...
I understand! Pm if you fancy a private chat.:)
From your replies I get the feeling that you are involved in spiritual practices of some sort. Budism, Hinduism or something else! Whatever it is...
DaVa-67 said: ↑ I personally believe that the system that we live in is ruled by Madmen and there is a lot of manipulation going on within MSM,...
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