I don't think they changed the library much.
hmm, preset midi clips have previews. It is just a ghetto idea but, have you tried manually adding them to your live library folder...
*If and only if* you have patience and a good understanding of how windows works Lukie is correct. Blackviper has lots of useful information on...
This may or may no be helpful. If you are trying to modify the played incoming velocities Ableton has some useful built in FX for that.
woah woah now. That was a weird post... a sneaky advertisement?
Sick song. What do you mean you are not a musician? What did you do then?
Question with a thousand answers. The 'best' choice depends on you DAW. Sony Acid has a built in snipper/gatter. You could use volume envelopes or...
version 2 Constructive: Around 2:28 the hard snare hit (not the ghost notes) is overwhelming. Maybe velocity is too high? I understand that you...
I liked it. I don't feel that anything is "wrong" with it.
Haha, yeah. I'm waiting for a beta as well.
Just wanted to let you guys know SceneTime will be invite only starting March.
Go ahead and build your machine, as psyfactory said. Always a new hardware or software will be a generation ahead (typically hardware). The...
Really? I run dual monitors and watch tutorials while I use Ableton all the time (creative X-FI). Sounds to me like it is a problem with your...
Right on, good input. Could you explain in further detail about the clipping issue.
They just did an uber sweep.
True that. At least throw us a preset. Ableton 8 has been rock solid for me on my pc and mac. The only rare crashes I have ever gotten were from...
It is packaged for ableton, but can be helpful in any DAW.
I am working on a remix of "Banner" by Lights. I am at a point where I need some 3rd party input. I would much appreciated if some experienced...
Song 1 sounds like you forgot to turn on your other tracks. Basically, it has no melody. Try adding some a couple new sounds and re-posting :thumbsup:
This isn't exactly what you asked for, but since you are using Live it should be helpful. Library of Chords
Separate names with a comma.