I am on cubase 7.5. Updating to 9 (once is released) would be more expensive than upgrading to 8.5 now and benefit with free 9 upgrade?
Which specific motherboard is that core i7 x99 v2 with Xeon E5v4 support?
Thank for all replies, but I am not asking if 64GB is too much or not, that's what I need so that's what I am gonna buy. Regarding RAM my question...
Thanks again! Good info.
Any more thoughts about installing the OS on M.2 SSD vs regular SSD?
Thanks for the info. Do you know about customs charges or how to handle it when buying these products to Korea? Are you sure about the 5ms lag? I...
Thanks a lot Grada for your comment.
Thank you so much bxbeatnocka for the info! I live in Europe, so difficult to buy on those stores, but great to check PC options.
Von_Steyr, I am sure you can make great tracks with a pentium 256 and a 50 bucks ukulele, but please let the unprofessional and not-talented guys...
I wish I am rich... :) I wake up 6:00 am every day to work full time... I need those specs for the kind of work I do. Thanks for reading :)
Hi all, I am building a PC only for pro audio (big trailer music sessions). I will use Cubase 8.5. My budget is (+-) 3200€ (Screen monitor apart)....
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