Does anyone know how to extract midi from .nap files or in nexus arps ?
Yes, FL Studio can handle flac but the versions below Fl Studio 12 cant, like for ex: FL Studio 11
extract it using 7zip and see if it error it should combie 001 -> 013 to 1 single folder with no errors
Run in Nexus Content/Samples
Your duplicate samples finder is gone, maybe upload it to google drive or something EDIT: I found it, here it is...
ayyyyy free malwares :rofl::rofl:
I just got my new midi keyboard Arturia KeyLab Essential 49 and because I dont use Analog Lab, can I giveaway the Analog Lab license key to my...
copy the Nexus 3 content Directory (for me is F:\reFX Nexus 3\Nexus Content) now open the settings.json (in C:\Users\Public\Documents\reFX\nexus)...
Did you put the reFX folder in to this path C:\Users\Public\Documents ?
Ahhhh :rofl: But still, i hope this gave them some motivation :mates:
Dear but-but They want all the expansions and we already have it from the china people :dunno:
Because there is no ROMs include yet, thats why i have to use the Contents from nexus 2 got from rutck
For anyone is having trouble with the Activate screen: Put the reFX folder TO: C:\Users\Public\Documents NOT C:\Users\Your Name\Documents
maybe this will help you out [MEDIA]
Oeksound Soothe 2 and Oeksound Spiff got cracked
The main questions is: Which releases (just tell us the name, you dont need to link the release) The software name (it is plugins ?, DAWs ?, or...
Sad thing is that the main site cant keep up :rofl:i keep geting lost connect when trying to refresh the page
Separate names with a comma.