Cuz Image-Line will block it/not work
I also found this Image
Here is it!!!!!!!!!!
Thank!, but imma gonna try to find that sample pack again
I got it from the sis site, i think it from a trap sample pack, the only thing i remember is that it say encode or decoder noise from something idk
Hi, I want to ask where is this sound came from, or what sample packs that have this. Thank!
which if you can find the version have that old GUI, I can resource hack the latest version with the new gui and edit the old gui on to it
I want to find the first version because for ex: Classic Master Limiter have the old GUI
Ok, can everyone just stop? If you want to roast the devs personal life then go create a threads for it and NOT HERE this is going too far
Oh sure, can you send it to me in DM ?
Who the F*** care if the Creator is a pedo ???? and even if he is, he had make some of the classic. Remember, you cant say their plugins is Sh*t...
Yes but no I was saying that im trying to find the old version (like v1.00 or first release) not the latest discontinued versions
The titles explain it all. I'm trying to find their old plugins from The Classic Series but I cant. The only i can find is the latest NOT the old...
Fix: Nexus 3 was on sis site but got DMCA take down so if you want it then find it on RUTK
Sure!, just everything related to reFX (like soundbanks, presets, plugins, ect)
Yes, I know but since it is not popular as Vanguard so some day maybe 2 or 4 years from now, Quadrasid will be lost because dead torrents or dead...
You should put it on the sister site archives section :)
This thread exit because ReFX is dumb (they delete all of their old plugins like wipe it from internet) but also for fun and nostalgic. They also...
ReFX Beast cuz why not :rofl:
Separate names with a comma.