Of course it is! Congratulations!! Your son's life is now more important than yours and don't EVER forget that. He comes first and foremost over...
The only way to protect your track is to not ever put it on the internet. That said, you want people to hear your music (obviously). The only...
Just stumbled into this room like a drunken sailor... and couldn't believe what I was hearing! "Wow... I didn't know I drank THAT much?" Too...
Yes... install as much RAM as your computer can handle or you can afford... I have 32 GB in one computer and 16 in the other (2 computer set-up)....
Here are more... [MEDIA]
Foster911: If you're seriously asking which samplers and samples are required, this is certainly out of your league (for the moment, as with will...
Here's my first submission: [MEDIA] It's Suspense, it's Thriller, and it's Action... Here's my other submission: [MEDIA] This one fits the...
Yes Yuri... it counts because you're trying. Keep it up and you WILL get better. "Practice, practice, practice". :wink:
I play keyboards, guitar, basses, drums and various styles and genres of hand percussions having traveled the world and studied percussionists. I...
I'm surprised that nobody hears what I hear? But then again, I've been around... a long time AND I'm from Detroit! Listen brother... there's...
Who can afford to: "at least a try, because Cinestrings in spite of all its issues, has potential"!!!!!!!! Thanks for detailed review though......
Help everyone!! :beg: I just found out about this contest Sunday and submitted my remix of Zedd's song (featuring Selena Gomez) tonight!! This...
I'm having an issue with Sylenth1 but only on my MacBook Pro (laptop). My Mac Pro (desktop) is fine... go figure? They both receive identical...
I wonder why I haven't received this update/upgrade notice? I just bought it a month ago... *UPDATE: I went to the website and downloaded the...
I will reitirate: Not to mention that it does indeed eventually, impact performance and overall temperament!!! :shock:
This is not the classic "stuck MIDI note" also known as "MIDI note hanging". This is different. I do know from some digging around that this...
Any idea what the pay would be? (to determine if it's worth pulling me off other projects)... yes, I know, I'm a musical whore.
I won't even listen to a track (regardless of it's Soundcloud "popularity") when a waveform has little-to-no dynamics. You can look at the visual...
You're so a PC person posting a complete lie!! :rofl: PC's have viruses because too many manufacturer's make the computers and the components...
:( That's fine with me... most of the software developers are absolute bullshit trying to turn a buck with a lame idea anyway. Too many...
Separate names with a comma.