does falcon have pitch detection?
I have a Falcon-specific question regarding sampling: Can Falcon detect a sample's pitch or key for automatic mapping? Like, I see all these nice...
I actually welcome all the Reason expansions that are released.
I don't get the whole presets issue. Presets are just settings on a synth or sampler. I do understand that reselling sample and preset packs is a...
I just hope that someone makes an alternative that does it's processing locally. Because this remote processing is just for them to charge a...
Not only does it convert audio to MIDI, it also creates a multisampler, a missed opportunity by Celemony.
I guess I'll just stick with 5.3 for now. I get no crash in 5.3 when doing what is described in the first post.
Well, yes, you're right about that. But when you know better, you do better. Those are things that are easily done when you're playing chords...
Well, I don't actually need them at all. Just a great convenience for when I'm working this way. I usually start with triads unless I know a...
Actually, you don't. A simple melody of movement can quickly become a chord progression of in-key triads, by duplicating up a third diatonically...
This is a screenshot (from Reaper) of the kind of macros I'd like to use in Studio One. [ATTACH]
Scaler is cool. It's just that I'd expect a DAW that has note duplication and transposing macros, chord altering macros, scales and even a chord...
Well, coming from Reaper, I had a workflow, in which I'd quickly prototype a chord progression by changing a simple melody (movements) into with a...
Does anyone know of a macro which changes single notes to diatonic chords (based on the steps of the selected scale)? Duplicating to specific...
Would u-he Bazille also be considered a part of the "first kind" of modular synths (having a preconfigured set of modules)? And I guess Softube...
Quote: "Team VR is gonna run outta business." -------- Well, not really. Team VR provides a convenience that is quite needed. R2R at times take...
Sri, bout that. However, it's only been out for like a month or so.
Hopefully will try this one out soon.
Gosh, I'm so glad that I didn't really drawn into being used to this one. That damn bait and switch is in full effect. Big Fish's Momentum would...
Hey, guys. Is there a place that I can find macros which are listed in the Exchange? Or could any of you legit users help a fellow artist/producer...
Separate names with a comma.