I would rather go for bandlab cakewalk for me reaper feels like a halfmade daw do what i did - try all daws first, yes it takes a while, but its...
you forgot to mention the price on the s1000KB, which i had back then...as I remember I bought it ´94...damn it was expensive and heavy and filled...
thank you all for the shareware in the posted Best FREE Software for Making Music
I have licens to ´Pro3, but annoying workflow, so i stick with cakewalk bandlab - still the best of them all, and i tried alot daws
nobody mention the great Spectralayers pro 5
RIP Pete Shelley [MEDIA]
Ive been through them all lately, from havin protools 7->12 for years (i wonder why i didnt changed sooner - its an outdated daw thats just is a...
Maurice Starr - Super rock One of my favorite 12", AWESOME old school electro funk skip to 2:13+ if you cant wait for the best :) i payed 67...
Dave Valentine Feat. Bruni Pagan - Loquita (Crazy Lady) (Instrumental) ´on vinyl of course ;-)
theres no way that our soundcards ever will sound like an (old) analog synth - i will never use vsti as a synth
wow how much money do you get for all these advertisement on and on so its got to be alot? :-)
right on, and thats also because nobody could even dream of using the shitty vstis as a synth "i play 3 real instruments and i hear no difference" lol
yea, lets make our little computer-soundcard we bought for a dime, sound like a expensive oldschool hardwaresynth ;-)
Have nothing to do with "i cant program" again, listen to forexample a roland tb-303 and a softwareemulated...try to emulate the roland chip or...
Okay...i wont talk down to you as you do now, then i just misunderstood you - if there is no shitty vsti, then show me a vsti that sounds exactly...
Certainly not trolling - im just trying to learn you that it just sound better with real instruments, real hardware, not all music can be done...
I have Falcon and can recommend it - their support are awesome ! they actually LISTEN to the customer and "quickly" make an updated version
what a pity it didn't happen: https://www.kvraudio.com/product/vz8_by_akai
Why?.. well because they have different sound each one of them, he doesnt settle for second best when he´s making music, besides he do have the...
aah yes! THIS is what computer is made for - not all that shitty vsti that has no bottom end like the hardware synths and what I read its "just"...
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