Correct. I already decided to install 1.07 VR over R2R. This was based on sissysite comments, people that claim to have tested. So during my next...
I was at your point a couple of days ago. Totally get your point on chosing whether to leave R2R territory for updated possibilities. The 107 VR...
Hey Lovers, I made a beat on headphones. Feeling the groove. Then I take that to the car or home stereo to find myself disappointed because mainly...
Update: Got the drum midi event now to where I wanted it to be. So thanks for helping with the issue. (turned timebase ppq to max 960). But...
yeah, definetely go ultrawide. If you had 3 monitors vertically, ok. But that setup looks like and accident in Tetris to me ;) As long time...
Nice one, Just looked it up, right clicking the "create score" button seems to do my midi magic. Thanks, will try. This looks promising! Thanks man
Theoretically your scale of 200 % is wrong. as you have 1920 pixels vertically on the FHD and 2160 on the 4K monitor. Your ideal scale would be...
Hey Lovers, I came across an issue in FL Studio leading to the conclusion that FL Studio is not operating sample accurate when editing stuff. I...
I guess there is an issue with the release/source. You might have two different types of selfactivators. The one you describe sounds like V.R...
Thanks, understood. Good news for my template / workflow. Yes I meant plug in, that processes the sound. Didn't think it would cause confusion....
Very interesting. In addition to your input I read an article from a mastering engineer stating that the -6db "thing" is really from the beginning...
Am I wrong with the approach, that when my masterfader is at +6 in the creative mode (where I usually tend to have EVERYTHING to loud first), then...
@demha Thanks, appreciate your answer a lot! Yes you are absolutely correct about those Keyscape Multis. I guess I just have to avoid going into...
Ok, just took another look, I am clipping. My Master is set +6db to leave me headroom for the finalization. When I turn that down, the broomy...
Thanks for taking part. Well, no, didn't get it after reading again my whole story. Maybe it's because I lack in audio engineering knowledge. I...
I have (3) issues with omnisphere. I think this bug is occurring since I installed Trilian (had Omni first, then keyscape, then trilian). But I#m...
Had to change the guitar to not run into copyright issues, but here we go:...
By accident I marked your reply as best answer ;) Is that because you are pro and my words seem like noob-nonsense to you, or because you are not...
Hey folks! I am frustrated with the lack of my audio engineering skills, again. Situation: Me, making a beat, a simple one, FL Studio (standard...
I can confirm, that jumping from one cubase version to another, everything including the exact sounds, settings, presets, whatever of each plug in...
Separate names with a comma.