They have a cool live show from Paris ! I had a weeklong phase of being REALLY into them and parov stelar. cat groove FOREVA
I have an overload of plugins ive bought through the years. Too much. If you were to keep your hiqhest quality workhorse plugins for each genre...
Pitching your arm hurts. Eating food feels nice. The way major minor effects the brain are similar across humans ( for the most part ). When you...
Nothing anyone says or thinks of hasn't been thought of before. Its the human condition. Sacrificing the amount of time and effort doesn't satisfy...
I will give it a demo! Thankyou!
I use reaper for some heavy vsts. Does anyone have a link or ss of the most efficient settings that dont sacrifice quality ? Thankyou. Also,...
I know UA has a 610a/610b emu, 176 tube emu. What other emus of these are out there/ what would you recommend (best quality)? thx gamers I read...
What gets you inspired? How has that changed through the years ( if it has)? What gets you sucked into something ? Is it more emotional ,...
ptools recent ?
Best books you've read about music on things that helped your production, satisfied an interest , or helped fuel curiosity/gave you a boner ?
Yeah he has done so much and its all so good . There is this Italian singer named Mina that is similar in how she killed every genre she tried and...
That makes total sense , good reply. I'll add TH-U on my list. Ive seen a lot of people dog on it but yet again.. everyone can have an opinion...
He's so incredible live , its insane. Who do you think is in the league of Stevie ( if anyone )?
I honestly hadn't tried them all. I used real tube amps but the one that I have w me now shit out so ive been doing a lot of research on the best...
I had a fender 57 custom bought it for an insanely low price and used it for years but it shit out recently....something electrical related..tubes...
THE CHUTZPAH hahahaha. Thats such a cool thing to do actually
For those who have used mercuriall sims, how realistic are they? Ive heard as good as neural in some threads... What in your opinion is the most...
Love it
I have been playing for a long time. Honestly just focus on being able to hit each note clean, make sure your thumb is between 11-12 oclock (this...
Separate names with a comma.