I guess this kind of music style was not to popular then ... ;) Have a beer! Cheers
The fun part is that he was asked to bring it on the road but he can not because he built it in a room and there is no way to take it out from...
Hi folks, A tune I'm working on and beside of to long "solo/hook part in verse2" and more lyrics and everything else ;) what do you think?...
Sorry, not bad spelling but wrong link ;)
Hm, the keygen did not generate any channelstrip licence for me ... But the channelstripes working but no present and other fun stuff in the...
Not the best sound on youtube ... but the cd is great, greater then great! One love! [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
oh I allso want to drop a singin line or 2 :) Nice tune! Sounds like a ELO string arr in the background ... Nice!
"Magic! eq is just the vst plug Eiosis EQ, I like it a lot so I guess thats all the magic about it ;) But joke aside ... It's a nice plug for a...
satin, comp and some magic eq from Air will do a great job with a limiter
+1 on Presonus support, they rock!
Many S1 users are talking about a memory handling bug in S1, particularly in larger projects. Presonus are aware of this and says to working with...
If your budget is tight there is a new Audient ID14 ... http://www.musicradar.com/reviews/tech/audient-id14-624382
How about running a stereo mix, or some mono tracks, trought a class A amplifier (Marantz) or a god old (Nakamachi) tape recorder and back to daw...
Cool, I want to dance now ;) Keep up the beat :)
Funny how you talking about midi ... who is working with midi theese days? I have a couple of nice guitars, keyboard, piano, bas and other fun...
Find a drummer ;) ... Check out The loop loft http://www.thelooploft.com/ Cheers
Hi there, Do you want to have fun and work hard the globe round on tour? First we need to work hard and do about 20-40 songs (3-4 month) ... we...
I like the tools and workflow in Studio One and I often use the same as fuad above pluggwize. I do have some new favo in the chain, Dmg limiter...
Very cool tune, nice job! Like it a lot!
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