Dbx solved your problem of lacking correlated "sub harmonics" years ago with a rack unit, the dbx120. Since it had children (dbx120A notably,...
Respects to the great man.
I just tested to install the same release [I tried on another pc] some days ago (The Zenology thang) on my W10 machine and it went smooth. On the...
Aiming the comparison to such large generalist terms such as "ITB" and "OTB" brings too much confusion imho. It is really a case dependent...
I always thought MDWEQ would forever been hard screwed to Pro Tools or hard wired to any burdensome dongle. As epic as it is, it's quite a late...
This says it all. Just yesterday I was abusing the Lindell 80 preamp and yet discovered little by little the secrets behind the 73 legendary mojo,...
I've got the exact same problem. Quite frustrating, as nearly nobody mention this problem in the comments. I thought it was my OS (Win7) but it...
What about simply organizing ourselves into group buying supply for the teams, so the fees are shattered, and in fine everyone benefits.
Glasswire for Windows is the closest I could find doing a similar job at monitoring processes inbound and outbound connections. Small program,...
what is missing ?
This virtual mixing console sounds clearly different from most DAWs actually... I don't know if "analogue" is the best term to employ, but...
Thank you so much for all the responses, that fast. I want to get an Signature 22MTK from Soundracft actually, the product seems promising. My...
Hello everyone, I hope you're all passing a good Sunday. I come towards you in a hope of advice from wise minds. Most of my mixes sucks. I'm...
woow wtf man why have you done such a thing ? ty btw, this is a beautiful dedicated post
The tension resides in the nodal notion of "public". The scene is, sincerely, something incredible.
"Explore you musical World..." What a motto. What a great team.
Oui c'est fixed, avec la version démo. Désolé de donner des nouvelles si tard mais bon maintenant on sait comment régler ça :) Merci pour l'aide :)
Bonsoir, tout d'abord désolé si je ne poste pas au bon endroit... au moins ça a la facilité d'être en français. Je n'ai pas trouvé de section...
Separate names with a comma.