This already happened several times (Roland, Korg, Yamaha getting fined millions in EU), I guess they don't care. Hm, this is not the only such...
u-he filterscape
With enough money for promotion you can make anything "popular" (considering it has at least some musical qualities). Imo, for every pop hit out...
Akai and Native instruments have tons of expansions for their "beats" software/hardware in this vein. But if you seek originality, better make...
You are implying that this is the only way to use AI for composition when it is not and it can also give results that will result in plagiarism....
Hm, I don't agree that "classical music" is easy to replicate (unless you intentionally write something that copies the style of certain...
Check this book and the references in it, if you have academic library access. The Physics of Musical Instruments 2nd Edition by Neville H....
We can say that idealized vibrating string (that doesn't exist in nature, but we can use a synthesized saw wave) is the trivial example of...
There is no universal standard system. There are many types of theoretical systems, it depends on what you want to notate. Earlier in the thread...
???? What are you even talking about, wow. You reveal complete lack of understanding in what is lost. 9 wolf tritones? There are no tritones in...
I don't have time to answer this right now, but I will say that one of my teachers a long time ago used Dick Grove jazz method and theory (which...
:rofl: I asked a straight question? Your answer was strange. "You playing them?" Them what? You want to improvise you a piece of music to prove...
What performance examples do you want? Are you talking about microtonal theory from the other discussion or what? I said I won't link my music on...
Yeah, I am totally going to link in anonymous pirate audio forum my publications and music... If you are interested in modern music theory, check...
Read what = bunch of patterns that players with no imagination or stuck in creative block needed to get going? Come on. I may not need it at all!...
Hm, there is nothing complex in circle of fifths, it is the basis of notation. It is not some kind of harmony system. The only utility it has is...
One of the reasons why only fragments of this guy's works remain is that his music was considered hard to sing and he got forgotten very fast...
The interesting part is that 16 is one of the worst equal divisions, imo (it has very-very flat P5, flatter than the wolf fifth in just tuning -...
If you go back in time and listen to Mozart, you will also not find it sound beautiful, considering his father was a violin teacher who taught a...
Separate names with a comma.