not shure what you want to do... you can use loops to cut out a part of an audio with consolidating, but you have to do a clip for every cut also...
hmm seems noone want to give out his superhits chords... so maybe i am the winner?? :rofl:
max standalone can handle sysex, but max4live does not, because live doesnt allow shure, you also can build a cc-to-sysextransformator in max,...
a-c-e every 2. offbeat :break:
hmm you should give info how you play it... efects, host of kontakt or standalone sounds like your sampler ran out of voices ;)
thx, me neither, but maybe its worth a listen to :) @lisapower : sure i know to use websearch, but maybe some members already have good...
im looking for a samplelib wiith little bells (not the big ones from churches), tambourines, little cymbals and similiar stuff. also for...
but i think a muscisequencer should be able to handle all commands midi offers, midi (incl. sysex) is standard for about 30 years and also a...
hehe but they did not, so this is little tipp is a good solution
this user with same nick/ same spam is already banned in another forum im part of, because close to illegal offers, fake remixcontests to get free...
ableton Live still does not allow you to use sysex. for owner of (mostly) older hardware it sucks. a lot of users ask for sysex for live since its...
since the compressor changed, i miss ff1 mode of "old" live 8 comp you still can open it from live8 lib, but for me its stupid to have now one...
well, live is internal recording with the samplerate setup in perferences and there you will have only the choice of your audiointerface is...
check out "shakepad" but like you said: you will need full version... but if its close to...
watching, not thinking :rofl:
after freezing you can move (or "copy" when you want go back to mididata) your freezed midiclip to an auditrack, it is already rendered.
what is sex?
thx a lot, Barn81 :)
well, they think: if you use their midis, you also can use their prg choice :rofl:
määäc please j/k :rofl:
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