Welcome back! :mates:
Only if your ARP 2600 plugin finds out.
CCC is full featured and rock solid. I've used it on a ton of HD to SSD migrations, flawlessly.
LOL Great to see you've got your act together. Many people, like myself have been buying their software long before you stopped hoarding last...
It was really nice seeing the 32bit headroom in practice. Albeit even a bigger sized files, I'd always found them to be some really smooth and...
Had an 02R and use to record 24/48k for some 20+ years. HDD and ADATS. These days, I'm using a custom blown out Mac Pro, that could handle higher...
Attention to the matter is counter-productive. Close this thread.
A few bucks to save a life, is by far, one of the better things I did this week. I spent more on coffee.
I too spent good money, over the years, with Waves and their notorious update plans. You'll be blown away at just how much the plugin landscape...
I've done remixes for Record Companies and it's all good, because I was hired to do it. It's business as usual but when it's done and them made...
You'll need a CPU workhorse. Get a powerful machine with tons of memory and large SSD drives. Excellent sound, headphones and decent sized Video...
People are going to do what they do, but the underground's motto isn't some Freudian double speak. It's a practice akin to crop rotation. Let's be...
That's because you don't have the slightest idea of what you're talking about. On top of a broken moral compass. You can't justify paying for ANY...
Thread bump.
I use Genelecs but was very impressed with a friends HS8's and would have no problem grabbing a pair, if I were on a budget.
I'm waiting for SSD manufactures to stop milking the GB to $$$$ ratio.
Good ole' capatilism destroying our social fiber $30 at a time. :rofl:
Nice. Unfortunately, I no longer have either the keys or rack versions of the Bass Station anymore to register for entry. Sold both a longtime ago...
Already acknowledged as arguably the best. The question was about Waves alternatives. An on topic and specific reply, would suit the person posing...
Separate names with a comma.