Meaning it will include the already copyrighted melodies. With enough lawsuits on his back, this will keep him busy for some time. Thought of...
In What silencing the death of someone who's been a model to many to get the best out of themselves is helping the ones dying from starvation?....
Two thoughts. (thinking outloud) Memorable & Multiplatinum records were done without that level of precision. Instead of using tools to make...
If they sell the DX-1 @ 40.000, the DX-7 will be 7x more expensive ? I'm confused :unsure::winker:
That's Gyro with a fake account
Creating an account just for saying that; bravo Gyro Gearloose.
Yes, after years of bashing, he's using studio one now , he just can't admit publicly how superior it is to any DAW out there, so he's hiding out...
I got rid of all this drama and annoyances by simply copying the files to var/lib instead of usr/lib, the advantage is that you get the same...
As long as it has nothing to do with changing the system date, we'd be glad to know this workaround. thx
Despite your explanations, i still don't understand your reason nor your logic :)
You're embarrassing yourself, with such a narrowed view am sure your music pretty much sucks. That would explain it all. Any girl, messing with a...
Sylvia Robinson, now sadly deceased, is credited as the “God Mother” of hip-hop, having taken the genre mainstream with her work producing Sugar...
It's time to register the word 'Christmas" and 'Xmas', :) Everyone using those words will be fined 100.000 € for copyright infrigment :)
Unless it's sooo dramatic to a point that it's ruining your track (means thousands of users have shit in their ears), if your track doesn't impact...
Steinberg's bitch is back, too bad they've gone cheap type and not escort. I've had no clue they were hiring people for this kind of job until...
You're so predictable. having a mole in here being so efficient, Steinberg have their money well spent. a true bot. too bad they have to go that low.
Tapes but not only, in that video they're using some retro sounds , sounds like some mellotron to me.
Wow what a condescending message towards listeners , apparently YOU know better what people should know or listen to. sounds like some...
@The Teknomage and *.* everyone can like or dislike any genre or acts according to their standards, one thing remains is that somebody dreamt of...
Separate names with a comma.