Looks good! I'll be stopping by. Cheers!
A large and complicated topic! A good approach is to separate it into the physical aspects and the cognitive aspects. Of course, the two can't...
Thanks, that's it!
Hi All, Just going through my piano samples and came across this one: Steinway L - Super Lite 2 Doesn't have any description and searching...
A little bit of both but most of my work involved general programming. When I was a student (University Level) that's when I did most of the audio...
Forgot to mention too, that what I'd recommend is to download one of the free SDKs like VST or JUCE and build the examples that come with them....
@ITHertz wasnt C++ only an extension to C? and also some infix, postifx, etc shuffle on some things? Thanks for your extended insight. Yes and...
Hi All, Thought I'd chip in with my 2c worth. I initially studied music, then music technology during which time I found that I had a knack for...
Hi Folks, In another forum post there's a link to a radio show that deconstructs Call Me Maybe. I've managed to find the stems and I'm curious...
It's interesting how excited those radio hosts get about the song when actually a lot of the techniques used are pretty standard for modern pop...
Thanks for that - great pop song and excellent production and arrangement. Any idea where those stems can be found?
Mike White
Hi Folks, This one is on sale at the moment:...
I find this song incredibly sad: [MEDIA] Apparently based on a series of letters.
Rather than debate the pros and cons of UA hardware/software, I'd be more concerned if they removed negative reviews of products. That's just...
Can the "analysis" stage be used separately to the "processing" stage?
Depending on which model you're referring to, it's actually not an exciter. It doesn't add harmonics. SPL don't actually say how it works other...
I own a Vitalizer Jack (hardware). AFAIK, there's nothing like it other than the SPL plug-in version.
Fine so far.
Separate names with a comma.