if using S1 from sister site then download everything else from same site (or similar), ensure S1 is blocked from the internet, don't try to mix...
apologies, replying to the wrong person, not OP, question is for OP?
yes I am on windows, you also stated you are using 3rd party firewall software, does that also exclude S1 (both in and out)?
how did you get S1 in off-line mode? when opening S1 there are 3 panels, do you see anything in the right hand (newsfeed) 3rd panel? (this should...
the android tv boxes are probably what you are looking for, as long as the hdd is usb connected, use one myself with usb memory sticks to watch...
sillysausge has apparently sneaked in again via the back door
thanks for the info
would you like to explain how, for future reference, in case someone else has issues? and they can be forwarded to this post
what does pacer.sys do?
yet another hurty word keyboard warrior, the world is going totally bonkers how about setting up a change org petition against this petition?
fridge is the culprit, poor power supply, as well as adding a good power stable supply to your puter (as per flappy's post), do the same to your...
this argument has been going on here ever since AS was created (and even before), windows Vs OSX more windows users = more testing available...
@civilizedproducer welcome to the community
adobe flash (pro)? now called adobe animate???
is there a back up you can open (history folder)?
please read the op's original post, they asked if an email can be sent directly by SMS, not using an app (or third party software which uses MMS),...
simple answer no MMS (and email) use the internet (3g/4g/5g phone networks) however SMS is a system designed for 1g/2g phone networks which were...
if you have only just donated you may need to wait for your VIP status, contact them for further help and assistance
you can use the selection (purple text - click on the + link to offer sub lists)on the left hand side of the webpage to select different...
https://midissonance.com/soundsets/omnisphere-movado/ v2.3.1 is required (patch + software version)
Separate names with a comma.