But...... you think posts, questions, and requests like these will lead to a Mac post? This passive-aggressive tactic has to stop.
I love those big, fat Akai pads and the big knobs, man.
FL's sequencer and 'slide' option for MIDI purposes. CPU efficiency Spectrograph for EQ UI update Saving/keeping the metronome to 'on' when...
Only if I can understand half the stuff I just read. I've had these OpenSSH plugs for months.... an haven't installed. I'll live, though.
Bro, you don't have to. I've had virtually no issues. That's because I run Ableton Live as my main DAW and everything worked. If you use Logic,...
My broad conclusion: A lot of stuff didn't validate in Logic X. The DAW worked smooth, however. Izotope Ozone 6 and NI stuff didn't validate in...
Hopefully, yo do music for free because you can't place a song on your dresser after you make it.
Sad to see such good stuff go away. I have a part to play in it. $400 or $40, I'd prob still wouldn't support because I'm not fond of Kontakt or...
In Logic, plugs like Native Instruments didn't scan, HOWEVER, they do work if you use Blue Cat Audio's Patchwork. All of NI's stuff worked fine in...
I'll make the jump. I'm not musically active right now. And where one plug/app doesn't work, three others will.
That Arturia emulation sounds really good.
That 808 bass sounds wide as hell. Maybe the width is what you're missing.
Dude. That was barely a preview of the track.
Bass. Sticky, greasy, fat, saturated bass. Slower BPM. Newer trends of hiphop are sequencing drums at half time (You do not have to do that at...
For all we know, it probably came already. At the same time, I don't and won't doubt these guys' capabilities.
RME Babyface. I've been through a few, but RME is it.
II'm tired of all you weak minded side choosers. LIKE THERE AREN'T CHEAP MACS for sale....AT THE APPLE Store. If you don't want one...cool!!!!...
Logic's MIDI editor hasn't been that great either. Maybe that is a contributing factor to some people not using it. It looks like it has gotten a...
I HATE Ultrabeat. SMH. That thing is stiff. If it was anything close to Drum Racks, I'd be maining Logic pro X.
3/4 or 6/8 time signature. Your DAW should be able to switch from 4/4/ to 3/4 time sig.
Separate names with a comma.