Hi, It's hard sometimes waiting for feedback and all the above comments are right and correct. Not my genre but from a production perspective it...
thanks, super helpful superliquidsunshine
It actually is helpful, thanks for your honesty, I'm not here to receive praise but criticism which will hopefully propel me to make better music....
Hi All, [MEDIA] You must all know that feeling when you've been working on something so long you've lost all objectivity. Well I've struggled...
Trying to work out whats going on with my Hackintosh, So I disabled all power throttling in BIOS, EIST C3 etc, And running a OC of 4.3ghz. However...
I like the level of intrigue and suspense you are creating but feel you need to break the monotony and tell more of a story as I want something, I...
i dont agree either, I think aiming high is a good thing. A good method is to choose your favourite track / artist and try to dissect the track,...
The Korg Legacy collection from sister site was running fine for last couple of years now authorisation window pops up. Has anyone else come...
Lovely work very competent arrangement, reminds me of Ennio Morricone score for Cinema Paridiso which incidentally is one of my favorite films...
thanks for the heads up on JRR group discount just love eventide plugs and keeps my hardware lust at bay.
I get your sentiment but I think you're being a bit unkind, Back in the day there just wasn't as many people making electronic music due to...
Have found that physically disabling the wired connection stops audio glitches, however when I try to set up a new location in network prefs with...
this is what i do seems to improve things: you have to have Xcode installed. Search for "Instruments" with Spotlight (cmd+space), open the...
Have turned off the power saving settings haven't noticed much change however disabling hyper-threading in Xcode seems to make my system run so...
Interesting, Why does Haswell- E and x99 work badly, where did you read that?, as all I've read is positivity, more cores = better. But I have...
Trying to compare my system with others, how do you rate your performance, I'm thinking about going over to Windows 10 as when using 'CPU core...
Why would I post a fake, My Machine is a pre built Hackintosh with custom Clover EFI, not Tonymac86 As I didn't fancy sinking 100+ hours building...
From what iv'e read on the forums it's good to CCClone your disk regularly, just need to find a stapler to fix this note to my head.
Yeah I have dual boot so that's a possibility and so many more treats available :winker: been playing around with Windows 10 and its not that bad....
Separate names with a comma.