This configuration : WIN10 Ent 22H2 on a Lenovo SFF i7 7700 w/ 32GB ram and H224. My original intention and objective was to use this for VSTi...
RME all day! However, I use this interface as well, on a production SFF PC. The driver is rock solid; 32 buffer; It's a beast, built like a...
What I've learned over the years : Get to know your mixing medium - intimately, by monitoring professional mixes and figuring out the eq curve of...
There is a difference between a collector and a user. Guitar pedal addiction, for instance. Rack gear, for that matter. Guitar hoarding, to...
Longer.. [MEDIA]
I'd be thinking about a hi-quality mic pre to exploit the full potential of the circuits and capsules of your mics. Good start of an excellent...
You're at the point where you need to start uploading screenshots of all of these issues.
Because, WIN10 drives a Porche, wears an Armani suit, and works in international finance. WIN11 currently has acne, braces, lives with mom,...
I remember that the rule for a graphics card used to be 1GB of GPU ram per monitor. It would be safe to at least go with an older 4GB RADEON card...
Hardware for reference and knowledge : (prices are out of control - it really sux!)
At a minimum, needs slicing, a shit ton of autotune, and bussing. I like to reference a song like this as a reference for simple vox FX contrast...
My $0.02 : SAMSUNG : Heavy read write daily; OS drive for sure; TBs of torrents, etc...; can use their app 'MAGICIAN'; I allocate SAMSUNG a NVME...
[ATTACH] Well, it's time; gonna go right over to the REAPER website and give that man and his team a mere $60 for the "best" DAW in the world, but...
Informative post. :) My take-away...very interesting, but for example, ain't no mastering engineer gonna perform his/her black magic using...
ik Multimedia iLoud monitors. They're flat FR (due to DSP). So good that I bought 2 sets. Bring headphones to mix sub.
Never used one. Like you, only read the rave reviews. For a pedal platform, this is great too: VHT Special 12/20 head.
Check this out
It will not. Faith in God will always keep your head above the waterline. I didn't believe it either, but I've found that it's a bit like...
At that age where I feel like I'm wasting my life when I attempt to play those 100+ hour games. So, I can play casual games for like 10 minutes,...
Separate names with a comma.