i didn’t said that. I said avoid using submix busses unless is really necessary. on the master bus, a multiband will balance the full mix as...
Pro-G has attack, release, knee, ratio and range (and sidechain eq and midi triggering for more precision). If these won't let you customize the...
Top 1 mixbus plugin is the multiband dynamics. Is rarely recommended because takes time to master and most youtubers and forum fellows are...
That's how many people here mix sober
Write down your current hardware (and your hardware mastering chain), if you want recomms. Some hardware pieces don't have a plugin equivalent
Gregory: “it didn’t sound exactly like the recording, but we got the vibe” - while the op wants to sound exactly as the example he provided...
If you'd spend that year making original music/sounds, probably these days some guy on some forum would post a song of yours asking how that sound...
Depending on how important the pad is (central piece or background filler) stack 2-6 sounds. a basic pad (or two hard panned) and various other...
The mix is always enhancing the artistic idea. If you're mixing your own music, enhance the core elements. If you're mixing others, make sure you...
Thing with these multilayer plugls like Avenger (rapid, omni) is that it allows for a lot. But the simple fact that it can do alot, doesn't mean...
That would be my second priority. Many timbres simply don't match, regardless of the processing involved. So first and foremost is always the...
Anyone managed to successfully patch PT First with extended fuctionality? I can't import audio in a new project (just a simple audio to check the...
Although I don't care anymore about width techniques (I just mix better overall) this is ptobably the most convoluted I know of :)...
I'm not strange of electronic music genres. You miss a lot of subtleties/details when you compare your own music with your example. Just make more...
Too many ideas from too many genres in a single song (this is not deep and is not house). Finish it and move on, polish your craft. Right now...
Any form of compression will bring down the entire mix, not just the peak. Bringing down the entire mix because of a rogue peak is worse than just...
Rogue peaks usually happen in high mids & highs. When you clip them, the amount of harmonics introduced is minimal - so I would not count on a...
Split the signal Mid/Side, put compressor and expander on side, sidechain the side compressor to the mid signal and the side expander to the side...
Ableton Live allows for feedback loops and this often f-s up the latency compensations. If you have tracks grouped, you need to disable sends...
Separate names with a comma.