You should get in touch with V.R, he is friends with Karl and said he pities your protection, so he won't release his stuff until you fix the...
Don't worry my friends, as soon as I will tell V.R about this, he will call Karl, who did quit Steinberg company somewhere a decade ago, threaten...
You turn to cubase 5? Because Steinberg doesn't give a f***, because they're crack free for almost a decade... Delusional V.R said he doesn't...
No intelligent woman would want to attract jerk offs attention and be discussed by them... intelligent woman would feel repulsed by such...
Does it give you permission to do whatever you want? Because your doing whatever you want will end pretty quickly in society where you have to...
Nonsense.... the only thing that defines a person are his actions... you don't need to know anything about a person, all you need to know are his...
Playing 4onfloor pattern on drums while dressed in your undies and on youtube... nothing wrong at all, just like nothing wrong with wiping vaginas...
You view about having kids should be the same.. never... wearing what they want, doing what they want, promoting themselves... [IMG] Take them...
feminazism bullshit... sucking, f-ing, worshiping and baiting a D*** to empower yourself.. how about try empowering yourself with your talent?...
That's not true, you're jealous, I'm beautiful and even modeled for Microsoft, people like me, feed me, while you live with your computer screen,...
He speaks for himself on rutracker... he posted on at least two sites a direct link to his internal releases on his site. Not a link to Cubase or...
Trolling torrent sites, other audio sites with links to your password protected internal releases deserved no respect whatsoever... give me...
wait for what? His fake Cubase? We got Logic, Pro Tools, Studio One, Reaper..... everything... why would I wait for some half-baked failure?...
Funny things is that, when he releases something and if it's broken, he thinks it works... so he updates a broken thing over and over again......
V.R's Scuffham Amps S-GEAR release is unbelievable... I wonder if Cubendo will be as functional or should I say dysfunctional as that Scuffham...
Most people don't have Atari, but for V.R it's not an issue.. for him it's never too late to release an Internal release, even if it's too late to...
He also accepts Beta testers using Windows Me. He's opening his internal vaults... Cubasis VST 5.0 is coming :drunks:I wonder if he will release...
Listen carefully, because I won't repeat it! [IMG]
Since last post which I saw there, he said he unpacked V.R release, V.R hides his method, his releases first need to be unpacked to see what he...
aluminum is a bad idea guys... it's known for years now that R2R, when not cracking, goes to abandoned train station/depots to steal aluminum,...
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