They cant lower prices for black friday and just sell what they want to afterwards. Given that there is a lot reduced at such sales I would not be...
Exactly my thoughts, allowing the reselling of Software that has obviously been obtained fraudently (or with methods that the seller does not want...
When a new Account with the name hitler vouches for a shady seller this is sureley a good sign lmao.
Thats what anyone would say who wants some nice easy cash tho.
This whole selling thread is freakin suspicious. Why would anyone sell a *legit* license for 100$. Anyone on Ebay would pay at least 300$ upwards....
Glad it worked for you. :) However you should pick Version 4.0 upwards from the Sister Site if you want to make sure there wont be anymore...
Lets update this list for 2019 :)
Well there is undoubtly software that any Audio Engineer would like to have. There is also software that makes using .. err.. unactivated Software...
I can recommend the Superlux HD-681 in combination with Sonarworks Reference.
Den finde ich actually ziemlich Unterhaltsam. :rofl: Was hältst du von sowas wie dem Aston Halo?
Würde es nicht darauf anlegen wollen aber was muss das muss.. :rofl:
Soweit eine gute Idee, glaube ich. Leider bin ich handwerklich äußerst unbegabt. :woot: Spricht vieles gegen meinen Ansatz?
Warum? Naja. Ich hätte gerne trockene(re) Aufnahmen. Allerdings fehlen momentan Mittel und Wege den ganzen Raum akustisch zu verbessern. Und die...
Nachdem ich in diesem Thema eine Diskussion zur Akustik im allgemeinen losgetreten habe (welche von @Sinus Well danach umfassend in mehreren...
I actually made a tool to avoid deactivations a while back.
Unfortuantly the Thread said something incredibly different before the edit happened. :) ^
Its alright if you do not like the Genre, however hating it, just for the sake of it, in its own forum section is just absolutely retarded. :)
Also ist all mein Midget-Unterhaltungscontent verschwunden.. :/
I am pretty sure that combination of words has never been seen on the internet before. You also gotta watch your language, fighting fire with fire...
Separate names with a comma.