not 100% sure this still works but worth a try
I would not trust ANYTHING but an R2R release of it has anyone used these plugins? are they worth buying? I have never...
It still looks posted on sister site
I bought this. It is amazing for the cost $12
for the love of god, why has noone made a keyscape.dll patcher for this? seems like the best solution
both work fine for me in 5.7.3. there is an addlibrary.exe that is in this version that will find it. just follow the directions from the...
5.7.3 has been out on sister site for awhile
I have a 2nd gen 6i6 on windows 10 and it performs very well and I love it. I have my DJ controller running into the 2TRS ins and it sounds...
More R2R plugins! WOOOOOP!
Akai Professional MPK261 for sure. I wish they would release a MPK288 but this is the best they got right now
Ill try 557
I only get that error if I don't register the plugin before opening my DAW. Works fine in windows 10
newsgroups should still have the dynamics 7 cds plus R2R disc 1. search those and look for the [email protected] releases. you will find it
I have way too many plugins. I blame Audioz
If it becomes an issue I am sure there will be large class action lawsuits and recalls to replace them. Intel will have to make good on their...
Apple is a very shady company and will never deserve a single penny from me. Horrible business model and terrible company. I feel sorry for...
not only that but why the f don't they make the GUI better and allow for people to see at least up to 4 instruments on the screen at a time. It's...
omg don't diss the lama! i have had some funny times with this :)
Thanks for the releases!
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